Archimbaud Guitars


How does it work?
A pickup is placed under the E string and an other under the A string. Via the toggle switch you can choose which signal you want to keep (E or A or both). This signal goes to a separate output allowing you, for example, to connect an octaver and then a bass amp.

Is an octaver required?
No, you can plug the signal directly into other effects or into an another amp, be creative!

Can I have another pickup than the JB?
Yes, contact me to talk about it.

Do you build your own guitars?
No, I’m not a guitar builder / woodworker. I buy pre-made bodies and necks. However, I do all the painting, finishing, electronics, neck and fret adjustments myself.

Do you sell internationally?
Yes, but each case is particular, contact me before ordering.

When will I get my guitar?
Guitars are made to order. I will contact you very soon after your purchase to let you know the delay. Expect at least 2 to 3 months after your order.

Can I have a custom guitar?
Yep, think about what you want, and let’s talk about it!

An other question? Contact me here!